Maze Master

Published 2021-07-01
When checking my game please look at the coding and sprites since even though i could not finish it as a whole game i still put in a lot of effort to get the components (levels,sprites,lives,walking animations etc.) together.

The layout of the game if i had finished:
When green flag click it will take you to the menu page.When Score clicked it would take you to score 2 which ahs the info about the score.When choose avatar clicked it would take you to the next page which was choosing the character and typing it in.When create avatar it would take you to create avatar2 (these are in the costumes for the sprite 'menu page') which tells you how to make your own character and play the game with it.And when instructions clicked it would take you to instructions 2 which is the info about the instructions.

After the sprite is chosen and typed in it would take you to ground level which is 5 different levels you choose from,1 of them is a trap and the other 3 have to be played to unlock level 5.In the other 3 levels you must collect all the 5 objects in each level including the gems without touching an obstacle sprite so that you can go to level 5.Lives are deducted if you touch the obstacles or click on the trap levels.Since it is a maze game it is meant to be tricky and the mazes are in backdropes in costumes.There are 6 levels 2 of which are traps the other 4 have themes
Maze 1)costume M12-are under the sea theme,obstacles and collectives are the sprites that start with 'sea....'
Seasharks are the obstacles that you cannot touch and must avoid
To see where these are placed in the maze you must hide the other sprites and show the ones that start with
Maze 2)costume M13-are under the beach theme,obstacles and collectives are the sprites that start with 'Beach....'
'CloudBeach' sprite are the obstacles that you cannot touch and must avoid
To see where these are placed in the maze you must hide the other sprites and show the ones that start with
Maze 3)costume M14-an under the party theme,obstacles and collectives are the sprites that start with 'party....'
'PartyHats' are the obstacles that you cannot touch and must avoid
To see where these are placed in the maze you must hide the other sprites and show the ones that start with
Maze 4)costume M57-are under the space theme,obstacles and collectives are the sprites that start with 'space....'
'space rocks' are the obstacles that you cannot touch and must avoid
To see where these are placed in the maze you must hide the other sprites and show the ones that start with
Once you go into level 5 it will take you to 2 levels you must choose from.One is a trap and you will have to restart if you click the wrong one.The correct one will lead you to playing the space maze.
The game starts on 10 lives.
Hope you enjoy trying out the mazes!!!!!!!!