Farm Simulator

Published 2021-04-16
Ok, this is really long, but read it all
Hi! Welcome to Farm simulator...
You bought a patch of land, and you are going to be building farms on it
Each farm is worth a different amount of money, and at the end of the day (five seconds) you will earn money for each of your farms.
You can build a farm if you have enough money, by clicking where you want it to go.
You can use the arrow left and right keys to cycle through the farms. If you played my Island builder, this is very similar.
The more farms you have, the more money you get per 5 seconds (you can build farms on top of others and they will still count. I have this glitch because I like it and think its cool)
Ok, Now for the controls...
To name your farm, think of a one word name (or 2 or 3...) Then type it in. The game will automatically add farm at the start if you haven't.
If you type "eagle" then the name will be Farm Eagle
If you type"Farm Nose" then the name will be Farm Nose... Simple yes?
Click the black circle in the top left corner for a price menu
Drag the keys 'e' then 'd' then 'c' to simulate milking a cow... You can sell this milk to earn money (not much)
Click where you want to build the farms, arrow keys to cycle through the different levels.
Hopefully, that made sense, if you don't understand ask me in the comments...
Sound Effects - Different places on scratch (moo and birds)
Oh, and by the way, the 3 bulls in the pen, their names are:
and Tom
Joe is the purple one
Mike is the brown one
Tom is the white and black one
Comment your fav
Mine is prob Mike