1998 Peugeot 206

Published 2021-04-08
Advert is: 2000 Peugeot 206 Advert
Music is: Cornershop - Brimful of Asha (Norman Cook Remix)
Quick thanks to Hugo too as he got the picture of the black 206 seen in the upper right corner.

Use the arrow keys, space bar and click the car to look at all the available body types. Except the 'cc' (coupe convertible), as it's the only 206 I don't like and the rear was just a little too strange to draw without looking off.

I really want a 206 as my first car because of the large number of strange features. The wipers are not switched for RHD! That is totally very cool and will not limit visibility in any way whatsoever! The glovebox is also the seat pattern fabric, so if you picked green seats then be prepared for a green glovebox. Overall a very cool car and the SW is not bad in any way shape or form oli.

A very 90's promotional video: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/iXRwczTpb2w/