✰ 160+ dta || closed no more entries!

Published 2021-03-05
edit: its been roughly three hours and we already have 50 views whoaaa
edit (3/7/21): 99 views :0 and in 4 to-do lists :00
edit (3/11/21) someone said this was on trending?? whoa
edit (3/11/21, a little later) found it!!! its very far down on trending tho
edit (3/12/21) aaaand we’ve got 180 views!! holy crap-
edit (3/14/21) eek 50 loves!!! and 200 views!!!
edit (3/19/21) 260 views, 43 favorites, 10 remixes, AAAAAAAaa
edit (4/2/21) 8 days left! anyone with a posted wip has until the 13th, everyone else has until the 10th. also we’ve hit 300 views :O
edit (4/14/21) closed! no more entries
edit (10/24/21) wait over 450 views that’s insane