Deep Dive | Subnautica MAP [CLOSED]

Published 2021-01-18
This is a Subnautica themed Tryout MAP [Multi Animator Project]

You don't need to know what Subnautica is to enter. Just read through the whole Notes and Credits and you should be good

My last MAP I hosted at 8k, and it filled up in about an hour. Now I have 27k, and I can only assume this would fill up a lot faster.
So, I found a solution to be able to give everyone the chance of making it into the MAP.
Anyone can do any part, and the best submission to each part will make it into the completed MAP. So, not everyone will make it in unfortunately.
But here's the cool thing. There will be multiple entries for each part, so if you didn't make it in and wish you did, and maybe think my choices weren't the best, you are actually able to assemble your own version using all of your own favorite parts.
Oh and Part 5 I have reserved for a friend, and Part 6 is also reserved, so don't enter those ones pls thanks.

1. Your entry must be Subnautica themed
2. No blood or gore or anything inappropriate
3. You are limited to 2 sprites at the most
4. Clones are allowed. Just don't use too many
5. The part you are doing must be in the title
6. Your entry must be a remix
7. Use a message to start your part, not the flag
8. You can have a max of 100 costumes total
9. Avoid using the BG, instead use a clone/sprite
10. This will close on March 13th

1. Research:
Subnautica is a deep sea survival game on an alien planet. If you don't know what Subnautica is, you'll need to do some research to see what it's like and how your part will look. I have included a reference sprite inside the project for you to look at some stuff like biomes, creatures, and vehicles. I also include references of the characters. You are allowed to use characters from Below Zero and do a Below Zero themed part, just try not to include huge spoilers.
Feel free to look up stuff and watch gameplay if you want to get a better understanding of Subnautica
2. Making your part:
You must remix this project, otherwise the submission won't be counted. Then, take the audio for your part from the sound sprite, and put it into a new sprite where your animation will be, and then delete the sound sprite. You may use up to a max of 2 sprites for your animation, but I prefer if you just use 1. You are allowed to use clones, but try not to overuse them cause too many would cause lag. Make sure your part has less than a total of 100 costumes. This is to avoid too much lag. And one last thing, start your part with a message, do not use "when flag clicked". You can use another piece of code "When flag clicked, broadcast Part __", but make sure that you have a message to start the part. This makes things a lot easier when I put it together
3. The finished project:
Make sure to share your part before March 13th, and I will began putting it together. I will use all of my personal favorite submissions, but if you think there were better ones or you want to see yours in the MAP, you are able to assemble your own version of the MAP with different parts. Make sure to credit the creators. Even if you don't make it into my completed version, hope you have fun making your entry!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Deep Dive by Tryhardninja:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can I be in? Can I join? Can I have part __?
A: Yes. Anyone can enter any part, and I will choose my favorite of each part to put into the completed map.

Q: Can I tryout for multiple parts? Do I put them all in the same project?
A: You can tryout for multiple parts of the map, but only one is able to get in. And please either put them in separate projects, or do separate sprites have both parts in the title. Example: "Deep Dive MAP Parts 3 and 9"

Q: Can I use my own OC?
A: Yes. It is allowed, but it's also cool to see some of the Subnautica characters and creatures. You can get creative and do what you want with your part, what's important is that it's about Subnautica.