NetBattle Simulator 1 vP-3.3.1

Published 2020-11-28
My Magnum Opus. So far.

I'm thinking of remaking this in Godot.

DISCLAIMER: this isn't complete

phase 0: done
phase 1a: done
phase 1b: doing
phase 2: to do

to do:
-add more NPCs (3)
-add all the battleable NPCs onto the map (2/3)
-expand upon the map
-add more areas
-connect areas through warps/paths
-(optional) add chips made by others (1)
-(optional) add bosses made by others
-(optional) add souls made by others (1)


-added IgnitionMan as a boss
-fire element
-available at the start in a certain part of the map
-if you have steal.bat equipped, he will drop IgnitionSoul when defeated
-removed IgnitionSoul from the loot table
-added the WarpStep soul trait
-it allows for LavenderMan to step across a hole in his field that would otherwise obstruct his movement when certain souls are activated
-StelarSoul is now WarpStep enabled
-MaglevSoul is now WarpStep enabled
-fixed a bug where StelarSoul's stats weren't getting defined

-added StelarSoul
-Neutral element
-Buster rank 1
-Rapid-fire buster
-Lock-on enabled
-Loot soul
-Added programs
-Equippable items that change LavenderMan's functionalities
-Seen in the status section of the inventory
-Click programs to equip/unequip
-Added the "steal.bat" program, it allows LavenderMan to steal the soul(s) of a defeated opponent, has a 100% chance of dropping from 8bit as loot if you don't have it already
-LavenderMan no longer has the ability to obtain souls by default, he now has to equip the "steal.bat" program to do so
-Changed the soul drop chances of 8bit, he now has a 50% chance to drop a soul as loot when defeating him. He will only drop a soul if "steal.bat" is equipped
-ZSoul is now Lock-on enabled
-MaglevSoul now has an overdrive state. Where normally LavenderMan would de-soul when under 30 HP, MaglevSoul will activate the overdrive state as a failsafe. While overdrive is active, LavenderMan's MaglevSoul will increase in buster rank and double in fire speed. But overdrive can only protect LavenderMan for so long. If his HP drops to 10, overdrive will fail and he will finally de-soul.

-added an effect when LavenderMan moves
-added a status screen to the inventory
-press A and D to switch screens
-you can test-fire LavenderMan's buster with J
-added a LSword, WSword, two AirShots, and two BusterUp+1s to the starting chip folder to promote variety when starting out
-added an effect to the chip picture, it has a neat transition between pics
-added a soul icon to the chip selection screen that spins when you select a chip
-other minor changes
-added the "focused" and "stunned" emotions
-LavenderMan can become focused by scoring four successive hits on an opponent, this will cause him to deal double damage until he misses a shot
-the "stunned" emotion is only an indicator of when LavenderMan is stunned
-the custbar will now only be operable when LavenderMan is not stunned

-changed MaglevMan's battle music back to MMSF2 Wave Battle
-created a new boss system, makes adding new ones easy
-based on defining terms and specifying an AI, all under a single system of rules to make things less labor intensive when adding a new enemy
-added virus battles
-they have a chance to drop chip data
-added the 'Mettaur' virus
-added the 'DrillMech' virus

-added a number sprite for health to display under an enemy instead of just displaying a variable via scratch's built-in system
-finished TideSoul
-buster rank 2, charge shot is TideSpear, no chip charge, passive SoulBonus to Aqua chips.
-Acquired as random loot from 8bit
-TideSpear has the range of a LongSword (that is to say, 2 panels forward from LavenderMan)
-try using TideSpear while there's a hole on your side of the battlefield, you might find it useful
-the selected chips in the chip selection screen now more accurately represent their actual order
-when a round begins, the selected chips are offset so you know how many you have left
-added a visual effect, showing if LavenderMan is weak to what just hit him
-LavenderMan now de-souls when he's worried, i.e when his HP drops to 30
-XSoul can now select up to four chips
-added ZSoul
-Sword element, charge shot is WideSword
-Can select up to four chips
-Obtained at level 5 along with XSoul

-changed the music of the Area 0 and Shop areas
-changed the battle win/lose jingles
-added the NormalNavi boss, showing on the map after level 2
-tweaked the look of the NormalNavis

credit to Capcom for Mega Man
credit to where credit is due for what it is due for

also, thanks everyone who contributed ideas and support. you know who you are c:

#battle #network #netbattle #simulator