Pillow - an animation

Published 2020-11-06
This story is about two dogs, Whopper and Greeny. They are both fighting over a green pillow, until...

OH MY GOODNESS FEATURED!!!!! WHAT!?!?!?!?!!? YAYAYAYAY!!!! Thank you so much to the scratch team and @Floof_u-u for proposing!!!!!!
THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

I can't respond to everybody. Thanks 4 understanding :)

Notes and Credits:

Please no hate in the comments.
Please comment if you find any big bugs.
If you remix, please change something.
It took a couple days of hard work to make this.
A little more than 300 blocks used.

Sry, it's laggy :(

Whopper is the white dog. Greeny is the brown dog.

Whopper was the name of my dog.
I got the name Greeny from the project below:

Check out my irl friends, @han614698 and @hermionegranger929 :)

Story by me
Most art by me
Code by me
Dogs by @-TheGreenNinja-
Dogs and music from this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/429988718
I'm trying a new kind of animation. Shorter, better planning, smoother work, and more sound effects.

- @PepinoPusheen
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