The Football Conspiracy Theory

Published 2020-09-12
The Football Conspiracy Theory
By @23ScratchMan
This is a Theory I made up a few years ago, and I am actually really proud of how it went!
#Conspiracy #Theory #Football
How I thought up of it?
Well, it actually all started from a pun my friend made about "Leg End Ball". And I swear, as soon as he said that, this ENTIRE theory clicked into my brain in like 2 seconds.
The George Washington part and Sport making factory was added in just for laughs, it's not actually a part of the theory.

I'm happy I got to make another project featuring the Text-to-Speech feature, it's just so cool!

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All images from Google Images

I Unfortunately forgot where I got the dramatic music from, it was one of those conspiracy theory projects

Super Mario Land - Overworld Remix by QUMU

#Hand #Ball #History #Text #Speech #George #Washington #Sport #Soccer #Kick #Throw #Apple #Tree #ImActuallyProudOfThisTheory #23ScratchMan
