ScratchCiv Land Liberation Convention

Published 2020-09-01
Passed on 12 September 2020
Over the last few months, hogging land has became a major problem on ScratchCiv. Becaues of this, I started making a map to reduce excessive land claims from numerous countries around the map. Discussions went on for a few days, and the map has been made ready to be posted on Scratch.

Unclaimed land is colored with reduced saturation compared to its country's color. World Division territory (which is able to go through their land grant system - see their wiki page for details) is red-violet. Click the display button in the bottom left to cycle through this map and the old map.

Nations who need to approve*:
Chungia ✔
Weirdscraftland ✔
Strangigaium ✔
Arcantica ✔
Estrezian Empire ✔
Creata ✔
Manprussia ✔
Possibility (no longer exists) ✔
Unity ✔
Infinity ✔
Neo-Apesia (never existed) ✔
Well boys, we did it. Land-hogging is no more.

*Minor edits were made to Estrezian Empire, Creata, Manprussia, and Chungia after this project was posted, and those nations approved after the edits were made.

A few things which I expect people to say:
"I'm not going to give up my land!"
Keep in mind that many other nations are giving their land too, so you're not actually losing. The real losers are those who hog land. All of the land being given up is completely undeveloped, and has not been used. If your country is going to lose some land which is important to be kept, or has been developed, please tell me in the comment section.

"Why isn't Chungia giving up as much land as some other nations?"
Chungia is actually giving up its exclave in Akkadia, as well as some islands and a small part of its mainland. Although some other countries are giving up more land, Chungia is developing its land and has the largest population count on the server, 30. Chungia's railroad system is also as big as the railroad system in the entire spawn area.

"Why does Zania get to keep its enormous exclave northeast of Alabastion despite how little it has been developed?"
Karatepotato was going to reduce the size of it in this treaty, but decided to take more time to think about how to do so, as Weirdscraftland, Zania, and Canadia are also working on a treaty to exchange land near Praviagz and Zan City (you can see some of that on the map, although it is not yet complete).