All accepted Shadowclan ToPH Cameos

Published 2020-04-20

Shadowclan is the largest out of all the clans. All the clans try to stay on Shadowclan's good side because if they choose to, Shadowclan could wipe out or take over all the clans with ease.

Shadowclan has a hard time during Leaf-bare due to it's massive population. To combat this Shadowclan has slowly expanded their territory.

Dovepaw's chapters will have her interact with a lot of cameoed cats so that everyone will have their cat show up at least once.

Mudstar is the largest clan leader. He is mostly fur and muscle, but he is getting kinda chubby as he ages. Mudstar is terrifying to many cats due to his size. There are rumors that his mother may be a bear, but that is false.

Dovepaw is albino. Dovepaw was the only cat in her litter, but she does have a lot of siblings. She has an older brother named Boulderpatch and a lot of younger siblings who are still kits. She never met her father and it is still unknown if she has the same father as Boulderpatch. Dovepaw was born in Shadowclan, but her mother and brother were not originally from Shadowclan themselves. Softfur, Dovepaw's mother, is a permanent queen.

Shadowclan has the most variety in their diet and the Shadowclan cats tend to not be picky.

Dovepaw's favorite prey is actually doves.