The Unfamous Voice Acting

Published 2020-02-25
If you are one of the Army voice actors and you want more lines, you can make up whatever lines you want that could be used in a fight, and i can throw them in during your fight scene or something.

Voice acting of The Unfamous
[The Unfamous Voice Actors Only!]
Find your lines by pressing space, and remix this project with the lines you record. You can change your lines as you please to make them sound more you, as long as they still have the same message.
"Sounds good!"
hmm, that doesn't sound like me
That sounds better

Whenever you are face with {}'s in your lines, that means you need to find the username of that character and say it. Search through all the voice acting characters.

"Oh hey, [Unfamous-23], did you see where he went?"
Now you need to see who is Unfamous-23, and say their username.
"Oh hey, Bob192Animations, did you see where he went?"
Some usernames will have lots of numbers or you don't know how to pronounce, you could go ask the person how they want it to be said, or just wing it and say it how you think it's best said

Please complete your voice lines before March 5th, the earlier the better! And do your best! Make sure they sound good, feel free to do multiple lines so i can choose what sounds best.
You can go to the script to get some context on what your saying: