"Can you be my second dad?" (DD#236)

Published 2020-01-05
Allen rested a hand on Justice's back, stroking her floof softly. He did have that gentle but firm kind of dad touch,, it was a comforting sorta thing. Still, his eyes never left the door.
She melted into the pets, wagging her tail slightly. "... Mr. Allen? Can people have more than one dad?"
"Well, uh- by marriage there's usually only one, but if you're talkin honorary or something then I suppose you can."
"Oh. ... Can you be my second dad?" She asked innocently, looking up at him and putting her paws on his chest.
He paused, surprised by the question, looking down at her and away from the door. "..I, uh-" He didn't really know how to respond- It'd be like having a new start that he didn't have with Jessica but-- what if he fails her again?
She gave him this cute lil puppy dog eyes look, wagging her tail ever so slightly. "Please-?"
He hesitated, swallowing the lump in his throat and gave her a little nod, ruffling her fur. "Sure, why not?"
She beamed, bouncing up and giving him a big hug, wagging her tail happily. "Yayy!"
And thus, cuteness uwu

Snippet of an RP with @WorthyGames_Test I got permission to share whee.
Justice (doggo-looking creature) is mine
Allen (human) belongs to @WorthyGames_Test
desk and chair belong to Allen lol-
The text is nearly word for word the exact RP, just edited slightly for clarity and cohesiveness. : )

Hope u like it!

On an unrelated note, I found a sUper neat soft way of shading and it gives me life and makes me vv happy