Music dump

Published 2019-11-10
This is a dump for some of the songs I've made over the past few months, most of these are quite short but there are a couple longer ones. Hopefully you can see how I'm improving but I'm not posting anything really old here because it's all really bad haha

Most of the names are just whatever I called them when I originally started them so they aren't anything special haha

1 - t h i c c b a s s
Was messing around and made a really nice bass and then experimented with adding some orchestral elements. ~25/10/19

2 - spooky house
Experimented with the bass and a really distorted bell, also added a growlish sound to the drop and it ended up sounding really cool :o ~19/10/19

3 - wow
This was just a test for stacking melodies and chords together, the main lead wasn't great though which was one of the main reasons it was never finished ~16/10/19

4 - future bass
This was my first attempt at making a future bass song quite a while ago, the chord stacks are nowhere near as good as the ones I'm making now :o ~22/8/19

5 - fight music
This was just me playing around with some weird sounds and ended up with something that sounds a bit like boss music ~3/10/19

6 - sinister
This was actually meant to be a full song that I was going to post after adding a few more things to it, not entirely sure why I didn't finish it just thought the drop wasn't good enough anymore I guess :P ~31/8/19
