Icon Maker v1.0

Published 2019-09-15
    *       •
  ✦  an Icon maker project . .  •   *
 • made together with the community . .  ✦
      *      • 
          •    ~ @Rosyda  ✦

yaa, the icon maker is out! Welcome to one of the cutest icon maker project :D A few days ago I asked you guys to remix an icon design here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/328163666/ so that your design can be added to the icon maker. Under the span of 5 days we have over 60 remixes and that's a lot xD (it will stay open until September 17th so if you want to join you can still remix the project, I will keep updating this from time to time ^^)

do you believe that everything was made in one sprite? I feel really accomplished (see inside to see) >u<

I like how squirmyfortherun added a super saiyan hair there, it's the most unique hair style at the moment xD (now I kinda wished there are naruto, opm, my hero academia, etc ;u;)

anyway, I have to edit some of the entries to fit in with the other design, so I hope you don't mind if your design was modified (if yours aren't included yet, either I missed it or it needs to be improved before being added)

the designs currently in this version:

it's kinda hard to list which component is made by who, especially if the project keeps on growing, but I'll try to find a way to do this ^^ (also I'll try to add a darker skin tone as well)

by adding your design, you indirectly have participated in the development of Blue OS, thank you so much for the help :D

Also base design from:

Slider code from:

aivi & surasshu - Mabe Village

Everything else by me @Rosyda

share the icon you just made and see other people's creation!

Thank you again for visiting this project, stay tuned for updates and announcements ^u^ let me know if there's a bug or if something needs to be improved ~ and see ya ^^