Login | Concept 2

Published 2019-08-28
oh my, griffpatch viewed and LOVED (I feel honored) xD https://scratch.mit.edu/users/griffpatch/#comments-61308077

I guess now we need to step up our game and give our best to complete the OS :D

This is still a login session, we'll update it with the desktop screen, approximately three weeks after this project is shared - stay tuned with our latest update here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25006615/

There was a problem remixing from BlueOS so I had to download to share this project

Fixes from Round 2:
- Some redesigns to make it more pleasant
- Fade delay adjustment (it was too slow before)
- Fixed Clock from disappearing after first click
- Fixed keyboard overlap with progress bar
- Fixed the unnecessary buttons gliding
- Suspend the description function (this is handy, but using "say block" to execute it makes it look a bit unprofessional, will be updated later)
- Reduced the flare a bit as suggested by the judges (but not completely of course, without any flare, the intro feels empty...)

I gotta say, kudos and congratulations @consonant, @gumboygames, @archival, @HyperTurbo2005, and @Aurax for combining both concepts! it was a bit messy xD but you guys did amazing, proud of you all!!

We still need to simplify and compress this login session, there's a lot of sprites, variables, etc, also some bug fixing with the cloud, and some more enhancement ^^

Also thank you:
@opiio for the base design, it's beautiful!
@phantomforcesx for the text engine & pattern lock
@04tmoody for helping with the clock
@Twirlple for the other concept design
@Cloud-Multiplayer for the online registration
Some sound effects are retrieved from PS4
(let me know if I missed anyone/anything in this credit section)

waiting for other member of Blue OS to contribute :)

thank you for viewing this project, visit my profile to see more of my projects, or visit this studio to see some simulations and games: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/15463602/

also let us know what you think on the comment section, leave a love to appreciate our work ^^
#UI #OS #Login #Lockscreen #Simulation #Concept #Design #BlueOS