Sacrifice | Art

Published 2019-08-21
"The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long." -Natsu Dragneel

“Speak of your future and it shall become your will to live” -igneel

Welcome to "Sacrifice" a semi-realism art made in scratch vector editor.

"Tap on the screen to see some of the process creation of this image"

Before I say anything, please be respectful in the comment section (especially the younger one) ... this is an art project, "not" a game. It feels kinda harsh when someone says "this is boring" or "what is this?" just because it doesn't have some sort of gameplay or instruction ... an art is appreciated by it's beauty, effort, design, and complexity, so please appreciate the hard work, dedication and the time a person sacrificed before saying something (...and thank you for giving a moment of your time to read this little message, if you liked the art I made, don't forget to press the love button so more people can see this project)

It has been months since the last time I drew a semi-realism art in scratch, I feel like I'm loosing my touch a bit >.<

A girl standing on a valley... seemingly waiting or thinking about something... there's always a story behind a picture... and there's always a story behind a picture... convey your thoughts in the comment section below...

Everything was drawn by me (@Rosyda) in Scratch Vector Editor approximately in a week or so.. The music was a Fairy Tail Main Theme cover by Taylor Davis on Youtube

Thank you for visiting this project ^^
Tags: #Art #Music #Semirealism #dystopia

" Sacrifice "

see my other arts in here: