Waiting in the Wings : Speedpaint

Published 2019-04-19
Originally this was made in celebration for the season finale of Tangled The Series, but then it actually came out and now I'm veNTING because of the season finale-
why would they do this to me
it hurt me and I am broken far beyond repair

Cassandra has always been my favorite character in the series and I was happy she was getting more development in recent episodes (pre-Destinies Collide, that is) so I decided I should draw her and I also really like the lighting in the "Waiting in the Wings" song animation sequence and wanted to experiment with it- as well as get some practice drawing humans- so, you know, win-win, and this happened
just take it and run

Press space to see the reference picture, and 'c' to exit it.

m u s i c // Uranus - Sleeping At Last
c h a r a c t e r // Cassandra - Tangled The Series
t i m e t a k e n // 6-8 hours??
p r o g r a m u s e d // Krita
(I know everyone wasn't very excited about 3.0, but now I can upload all my frames at once in o r d e r (especially 600 of them hh) and that saves a ton of time and makes me happy