JOIN THE SHOW :D le podcast of screens remix

Published 2014-09-12
Credit to cooldude142, plus the ppl who made the song. (STUPID MEMORY OF MINE! I can't remember!) One sec. Blur, put down the sprinkles and the mini oven. You don't need them. Blur: Then how am I gonna make cupcakes? Me; You're not, cuz I bet if I checked your closet, I'd see Sky or Blade tied up in there like 2 days ago! Blur: You don't need to check! *trying to drag me away from his room* Me: Yes, I do. *opens door and then the closet door and gets run over by Blade* OW! See? You need to stop trying to make cupcakes, Blur! You're getting more dangerous every hour! Plus, I need to get rid of that paper you printed out. It's really bugging me. Blur: HEY, IT'S MY PIECE OF PAPER! Me: Ya, but it's stupid! Blade: Uh, is Neon supposed to be throwing rainbow cupcakes paper all over the front yard? Blur: O.O Ok, I MAY have been talking to Neon about this.... Me: *crosses arms* And then tried making him a cupcake becuz you told him everything? Blur: No! Pfft, that's stupid! Neon: *outside window* AND IF YOU KEEP SAYING 'OH, ITS FINE AS LONG AS YOU SMILE WHEN YOU'RE GONNA BE A CUPCAKE!' ONE MORE TIME, I'M GONNA MAKE YOU A RAINBOW! Blur: Eheh heh... Oh, look Ke$ha's calling me! GOTTA GO BYE! *runs out back door* Me; HEY, GET BACK HERE! *grabs him by arm JUST before he jumps in the pool* Now, stop making ppl into CUPCAKES! Blur: Jeez, I haven't done it yet. They keep running and/or squirming away. Me: Ok, that's it! You're grounded! Plus, I'm taking away the mini oven and the sprinkles. Plus the icing bags. Blur: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT DA SPRINKLES! Blade: Um, is this a good time to point out that......? Me: Just a sec, Blade. *locks Blur in his bedroom without the baking stuff* Now, what is it Blade? Blade: *points out window and sees Sonic.Exe trying to bang down the door while he has sprinkles and icing on his head* Me: WTH? I'l get the door, you go find in the kitchen. Blade: *scrables to the kitchen while I get door* Me; What'dya want? Sonic.Exe: THAT PINK AND BLUE HEDGEHPOG IS A FLIPPIN' KILLER! HE TRIED TO MAKE IONTO A FLIPPIN' CUPCAKE, WITH THE SPRINKLES AND ICING! Me: I grounded him, so we might not need to worry about that for awhile. Sonic.Exe: Good. So...... Can I Have Bl- Me: FORGET IT! *slams door in his face* I knew he was gonna say that. Blade, it's ok now! I slammed the door in his face! *knocking* Oh, what now? TD: LET ME IN RIGHT NOW OR I'LL KILL YOU! Me: Let me guess, Blur tried to make you into a cupcake. TD: You're a psychic, right? Me: Nope. It's been a MAJOR prob with everybody else. TD: So, can I have a cookie? Me: *gives a choclate chip cookie and closes door on TD* Ok, NOW that's everybody. *more knocking* THIS HAD BETTER NOT BE ANYMORE CREEPYPASTAS! *opens door and this time it's Brown and cut up and bleeding everywhere* Me; Let me guess, Blur + Cupcakes + you? Brown: yep. Me: He's been doing this for 3 days now. I'm hoping he's gonna stop with it and start making muffins or something. I grounded him. Brown: Can you do better? Like ground him and lock him in Eggman's base INSTEAD of just his bedroom? Me: I could, but why? *blur crashes thru door* Oh, right. Wooden door vs. a metal door = Metal Door wins. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *rins halfway across the yard in 10 secs* HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HE CAN BREAK WOODEN STUFF?! Brown: You made him, you know. You could just make it so he CAN'T break wood, but you forgot to add his weak points. Me: I didn't! I made it so he's weak againest paper towels! Brown: That's just plain weird. Me: Ikr? Now, RUN AS BLUR'S GAINING ON US! *runs at about 15 kph, my tops* Blur: CUPCAKES! SPRINKLES? HA HA! Me: Ok, we need to get him to thne hospital soon. Brown and Blade same time; YOU THINK?! Me: Ok, ok, stupid idea to let him have Creepypasta access. It's not like he can break down a whole building or something! Blur: *crashes thru a neighbor's house* Me: Ok, I stand corrected. JUST FREAKING RUN! *trips on rock* OW! *faceplants on ground* I'm ok! *faints while Brown and Blade drag me across the yard*