♡2k aesthetic contest entry

Published 2018-11-13
As you can see I clearly don't care about the aesthetic of my thumbnails anymore xD

Press space to see both of the entries :)
Congrats on 2k, @Jeila! You inspire so many people ^u^
This was really fun for me to do, the aesthetics were so nice and it has been a while since I've entered a contest (and actually tried my best lol)

I entered for the aesthetics, mint and strawberry
When I started drawing mint, I somehow ended up with a long haired Pidge?? So, since I realised I could not draw bears at all (which was my original plan) I just decided to draw the adorable space caterpillars to fit with the character
so um,,, i guess have a space caterpillar, jei ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The character for strawberry was also pretty fun to draw, but I kept alternating with the designs before I could find one I was really happy with xD