☆voltron art collab - pidge

Published 2018-08-25
My part for the voltron art collab :)
I am f i n a l l y done with my part yayy *throws magic space dust*
Pidge is one of my favorite characters to draw (and just my fave in general) except for her HAIR. I have nothing against her hair, I LOVE it, my hair looks like pidge's hair in fact. But the front... IT'S SUCH A PAIN TO DRAW!! But I finished it and it turned out pretty decent :D
What was I thinking of for the background... I honestly don't know.
-Pidge is from Voltron Legendary defender
-me for the art
-@heldab754 for the art collab (obviously)
-galaxy backdrop was found on google
-music is voltron legendary defender theme song
What should I do with my thumbnails...
the design is so inconsistent ;-;
This is kinda a filler project, I'm trying to work on an animation and NOT procrastinate by looking up random memes
(if I DO share it, it's gonna be p l a n c e)
(so if you wanna start a ship war, just go ahead and unfollow, I won't stop you :'D)
FUN FACT: I actually made this while I was working on the animation xD then decided to become a mature adult and just finish it up for the collab
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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