☆which voltron paladin are you - a personality quiz

Published 2018-07-29
Which paladin are you?
10 questions, 5 results(or 6, including mixture). Take this quiz(nak) to find out! <--- heheheh I <3 puns
Don't worry, even if you haven't seen the show, you can still enjoy this quiz ^u^
This is the most scripting that I have done during my time on scratch, but it was fairly simple (I usually make art projects with very light coding). I got Pidge/The Green Lion! For me it's pretty accurate (except for getting along with her brother/family part :P) I did this quiz based on the paladins before season 3, by the way.
Lance's birthday is on the 28th of July (as well as growing up physically, I do hope so see some maturing emotionally for him in season 7)
C r e d i t s :
- @Cherri- for all coding and the backdrop (made in InfinitePainter)
- "Slide" effect inspired by @LeiIani's "What is Feminism" project (but I made it myself)
- Music is Voltron theme song music box version (i downloaded it somewhere but i forgot where ;n;)
- obviously dreamworks/netflix for making such a great TV show :D (please let shiro rest twentygayteen)
- The pun was by my brother (@ArtisticTiger)
- @Cherri- (again) for drawing the paladins (except I didn't draw hunk, I just found an image because I figured I wouldn't have enough time to draw him, I might draw him on my own in the future, sorry hunk! aka cinnamon roll of 2018)
" S h u t y o u r q u i z n a k "
      - L a n c e M c C l a i n
If you want a version with more characters, tell me in the comments!
So many people are getting Pidge though XD