YOU- a motivational message

Published 2017-04-01
This project is a motivational message meant to make you feel good about yourself. I made this project because everything in it is true. You may not think it, but there is no doubt that it is.

Yeah, i know, flight is impossible, but, scientifically it is possible with machines and stuff, so just putting it out there that machines and science can do anything, and yes, i am #nerd and proud of it. If you are #nerd as well then comment it! You should be proud of yourself whatever your personality is. Also comment #ExtremeNerd if you have suddenly become popular like me because of this project! 8D

I drew everything myself. Music from scratch. It is in black and white because they contrast massively, and also coz it looks cool :P B) The grey is there to show the difference between one and the other and because i am not putting in colour at all MWA HA HA HA HA! i am evil :P XD yay

Please tell me if i should add anything! I (most likely) will add what you recommend! And i will reply to every comment in under a week hopefully.

If you read all of this, comment #llamas for good stuff to happen.
LOVE! FAV! FOLLOW! COMMENT! @Insane_Llama out!