March Art Dump

Published 2017-03-30
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Do not steal my art!

Please excuse the lousy quality, Scratch murdered it.
1. This is a sketch of Cassiopeia that I drew the day after I won her from @SpinnKatt's DTA. It's actually really unusual for me to be doodling in class, but we were talking about conscription in WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, so I was really bored.
2. Upon arriving home I decided to make my sketch into digital art. The cloud brush is by cocobunnie on deviantart who makes amazing custom brushes!
3. This is a fire breathing robotic death chicken with laser eyes. Don't question me. I made it to test out a new brush I downloaded, made by DragonLoreStudios on DA.
4. This took less than half an hour. I miss the beach. Here in Canada March has been very cold and snowy. The brush I used for the sand is a heavily modified version of a brush by cheapkrabs on DA. I used a brush made by cocobunnie for the writing.
5. IT WENT UP TO LIKE 14 DEGREES (57°F) AND I DIDN'T HAVE TO WEAR A COAT AND IT'S BEEN LIKE HALF A YEAR SINCE IT WAS THIS WARM AND OH MY GOODNESS SPRING IS HERE. So, naturally I drew a palm tree. Even though I've only seen 3 palm trees in Canada and they were all in Victoria BC. In Ontario we have pine trees and maple trees. But palm trees are awesome, so I drew one anyway. I used another cloud brush also by cocobunnie for the background.
6. I just finished this today. This is my cat, Mr. Pearl. I wanted to try drawing a lineless cat, so I used him as my test subject. I think it came out looking pretty good for my first digital lineless cat. (Yes, he really is that fluffy. He's actually more fluffy than that. I decided to tone it down a wee bit.) I was using this new brush I downloaded from DA, but I can't figure out who made it.
7. I used this as my reference picture. It's one of the few pictures out of the hundreds I have of my cat where he is actually awake. He's usually sleeping like he is right now.
8. He's very cute when he's sleeping. He sometimes turns his head all the way upside-down and sleeps like that. He's doing that right now, actually. I still don't understand how that works.
9. Here he is sleeping on my math text book when I was trying to study for my math exam. It seems like every time I leave for five minutes this happens. He also likes sleeping on my keyboard.
10. Aw ... who couldn't love a cat this fluffy?
11. So fluffy....
I think this was supposed to be an art dump, so I should probably stop with the cat pictures. Uh, anywho, I hope you enjoyed my art from the month of March. I know there isn't much, but that's because I was super busy. Speaking of which, I have a Spanish presentation tomorrow that I need to go prepare for. I also need to go for job training this evening....

Art is 100% by me. Cat pictures were all taken by me. I used a Wacom drawing tablet and FireAlpaca. Thanks to @SpinnKatt for my OC Cassi and to cocobunnie, DragonLoreStudios, and cheapkrabs for making some of the brushes I used! The text is Satisfy and was imported with the help of pianogirl84's tutorial The music is "Something There" from Beauty and the Beast. I have been obsessively listening to the soundtrack ever since I saw it.