Unpledged Alliance | Remix

Published 2024-07-22
Guys I've literally done nothing else aside from watch yt for hours on end waiting impatiently for my sib to recover so we can play some co-op videogames ToT

Also can we talk about Splatoon 3's grand festival for a second --

Firstly I'm going to argue that I can't quite decide between Past, Present, and Future, bc a) I can't stop thinking about my past mistakes and failures, b) I can't stop worrying about the future, and c) its very important to be in the present moment so you can actually make good memories and not have a blank mind whenever you try to think back to 4th grade like me :skull:

(( but just because it's callie and Marie... I'm going with past :thumbs-up: ))

Also apparently I'm hearing all over the place that this is the finalfest for splatoon 3 ?? I was originally really confused about that bc this game has only been out for 2 years, but I did some quick research and the final fest for Splatoon 1 came out a year after the game was released, and the final fest for Splatoon 2 came two years after the game's release, so maybe keeping these types of games 'alive' for 1-2 years is just a thing Nintendo does :shrug:

but honestly it feels like Splatoon is dying even more than ever with the announcement of this grand festival :skull:

Plus I've seen comments in the video Nintendo released about this topic that the winner of this splatfest will influence how Splatoon 4 is made ?? which also kinda confuses me ?? Maybe it'll be like,,, old-timey renaissance stuff for past? idek what counts as "modern" nowadays because essentially modern stuff will become past stuff, and the only idea for "future" is high-tech flying cars / even more holograms kinda thing, which is basically what Marina wanted during the Splatoon 2 final fest, Order

so like


my pea-sized brain with its brain cells half the size of sand can't really wrap itself around all this lol

if you have any theories and / or whatnot on the grand festival, i'd love to hear them in the comments !!
Coding: @kosi-an
Character: Suna
Art: @F1sza3
Audio: Unpledged alliance - crxw