Fracture, Inc.

Published 2023-06-12

Did you know you're literally sitting on a vast supply of natural gas?
Thanks to Fracture, Inc. this cornucopia is now within your reach!
It's easy as 1,2,3:

So what are you waiting for? Order your personal fracking rig from Fracture, Inc. right now!

In no circumstances shall Fracture, Inc. be liable for any direct damage, indirect damage, incidental damage, consequential damage, or any other damage occurring to, including but not restricted to, family members, pets, cattle, neighboring fauna and flora with pre-existing conditions such as, including but not restricted to, being alive.


somewhat extented version:





Work in progress!
I made the game quite forgiving, and I just realized it's still playable without even cycling the colors.
maybe I could ditch the cycling altogether? or make it a difficulty option? what do you think?