Published 2023-06-12

[previous: 44810]

Z to start, or X to skip all instructions.
Arrows move/dig through mine.
Z brings up map.

This was going to be a maze game where you had a 'zoom in/out' button, and that idea was going great for a while, until I realised mazes are hard and I didn't know if I could do justice to a maze generator in the time I had. So instead it became a digging game, and grew in scope disgustingly until I had more work than the maze would have been in the first place. But inspiration will be ins​piration I suppose.
​Use your map to see roughly where the gold is, then make your way towards it, being careful to manage your truffles (food) and glow crystals (flashlight power). You can find both in the mine but you have to balance things carefully. At any time you can press Z to check the map, and see an indication of local tile types. Try to reach the gold before you starve!

itch.io page: here