Canvas Vector Drawing Program

Published 2023-06-12

This is an prototype for a vector drawing program in pico-8.


Arrow keys: Move cursor
Z: Add point / Select polygon
X: Toggle cursor speed (Normal, Fast, Slow)
Tab: Hide menu
Q: Hide cursor

Double click "NEW" to clear the image and start a new drawing.

To save image:
--Picture Only:
--Hit tab to hide menu
--Hit q to hide cursor
--Screenshot to desktop with F1 key
--Full Scene (into ROM):
--Double click SAV button
--Hit escape to exit cartridge
--Ctrl S to save cartridge
--(This is bit of a hack)

New in V0. 88
--fixed the bug with black shapes
--added save function (exports poly list to sprite-sheet. Poly compression is simple 1 byte per value
--added select function
--Click SEL to enter selection mode
--Selected polygons can be re-colored or deleted
--added delete function
--drawing acceleration:
--accelerate drawing solid color polygons by just using line command instead of pattern/bplot.
--store edge list in poly so that we don't recalc every time
--don't redraw all the polygons when we add a new one. removes flicker when drawing complex scenes.
--x button switches the speed of the cursor (slow, medium, and fast) this allows for "pixel perfect" drawing.
--cursor changes color so that it stands out against whatever is behind it
--drawing lines change color so that they match the current foreground

--Export clobbers save
