
Published 2023-06-12

The city of Z'Oular is crumbling. Lord Raltus has used the powers of the Blood Moon Talisman to enthrall the city. Very few people are left alive. Bram, a demon hunter under the banner of the Goddess Askelpios, receives a message from within the city and takes it upon himself to cleanse the evil that lies therein.

Play through a huge overworld packed to the brim with secrets! Uncover the hidden dungeons within and use the bevy of curios you find to bring Lord Raltus to his knees! A massive adventure tucked neatly into a single PICO-8 cartridge and built to evoke the games of yore.

Keep your notepad handy to write down the hints you receive and to draw a map to keep you from getting lost or spool through a printable manual to really game like it's the 80s.

Per the advice of the wonderful folks in the comments I have added the following to the game!

I had to lower the token count (without dropping features!) to add some of these functions into the game which took a couple of days! Apologies on the delay!