Fire On The Mountain

Published 2023-06-12

unlike boingleste, this one is creative!

Remember the floor is lava? no, not the tv show, im talking about the playground game. you know, where if you touch the ground you get maimed by your best friend? what? thats not normal? what are you talking about? anyways, this mod fully simulates what its feels like to touch the ground while playing that game. unless you're weird and didnt die inside when you lost at a game at school. well, forget dying inside! if you touch the ground here, you die in r- wait wrong game- you die! yay! walljump around and dont touch the ground! featuring patented seizure-o-matic effects! who needs to see the game when you have S M O K E

Thanks for playing! I hope this mod burns in your heart the same way it burned into my monitor.

Here is my best time while playtesting as usual (all berries too!)