Picodex - A Pokemon Battle Sim


Welcome to the world of PICO-8 Pokemon! Picodex is a complete generation 1 Pokemon battle simulator, with slight modifications, that fits within a single 32KB PICO-8 cartridge.

Standard PICO-8 controls apply to this game. For a computer keyboard this is: "arrows", "x/z", "enter".

There are 6 modes in Picodex:

Picodex initially loads with only 6 Pokemon unlocked. You can unlock more Pokemon by defeating trainers in LEAGUE mode. Everytime you win a battle, you unlock all the Pokemon the opponent had as well as their entire moveset. Picodex will auto-save any Pokemon/trainers/scores you have unlocked, so don't be afraid to close it and play again later.

Picodex is also available on itch at: https://alanxoc3.itch.io/picodex

If you want to learn more about the battle mechanics, expand this section:

For those unfamiliar with how Pokemon Stadium 1 battle mechanics work, I strongly recommend these articles:

For those already familiar with Pokemon Stadium 1 battle mechanics, most everything should behave the same besides these intentional modifications:

Modifications inspired by original handheld games:

Modifications inspired by later Pokemon games:

Modifications inspired by personal preference: