WYSIWYG control code editor

Published 2023-06-12

Hey there!

Tired of manually writing that long, one-line print statement, filled with control codes in order to layout static text like in a title screen, painstakingly modifying \^j and \+ values to position the text just right, adjusting \^x and \^y values of solid-filled text to draw background elements instead of using rectfill to save precious tokens, and then deciphering all of that when you need to go back and edit something? ...no? just me?

Did you know that with P8SCII control codes, you can change things like text color, size, screen position and more? Meaning, for static (and relatively positioned – camera offsets will apply) text, you never really need more than 1 argument to print, and no more than one print per layout!

For example, print("hello",8,8,5); print("world",16,16) can be written as ?"\^j22\f5hello\^j44world", saving tokens and characters.

However, there's a lot to remember with P8SCII, several potential snags, and it can get pretty unwieldy pretty quickly. That's why I made this WYSIWYG tool!

To load in immediate mode, run load #wysiwyg, or run the cart above.

Hopefully the UI is fairly intuitive. See a demo below:

Basic usage:

Everything on the right half of the screens below was done using this editor, meaning that printing each layout is just 2 tokens (although quite a few characters)! The demo print commands are given below, which you can load into the editor to inspect the different layers and see how some of the effects were done.

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