Don't Miss Her Wedding


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Edit: 10-11-10: Over 50k views and 400 reviews!! Even if we stopped 1 person for every 1,000 views that's equivalent to 50 people quitting! Let's keep going guys :)

Edit 3-11-10: Wow my first weekly award! Thanks all so much!

Edit 28-10-10: Thanks for the front page, the daily award and of course the amazing reviews!! Wasn't really expecting this much feedback for such a simple flash. Glad everyone took the message well. I also wanna thank my dad Samuel Christudas for giving me this awesome idea to animate :)

A small animation for our quit smoking campaign PSA. Please be sure to share it with your friends (especially smokers) you might know to spread the message and join our new Facebook page mentioned at the end of the animation for all our latest works!

Dedicated to all my friends and relatives who still smoke and trying to quit earnestly. Hope this small humble work of mine can insprie you to quit for good someday. I know it's hard but trust me... it's worth it :)

Thanks for watching!