Copter Copter

Published 2009-11-21

Ok, first thing i Must, MUST, !MUST! say is: "YOU NEED A MICROPHONE OR AUDIO CAPTUREING DEVICE TO PLAY THIS GAME!" Otherwise the copter wont get to far and will blow up!

this is based on the copter game, however i dont know who made it, sorry!

Take controle of an exlporer copter through the depths of a cave, dont controle it with your mouse or keyboad! Bring out your microphone headset or webcam, hell anything that can record or recieve audio! Blow into it to make your copter fly!!

Feedback/Reviews are greatly accepted! The more I learn the better i get.

sorry about the shitty display picture, i swear ill get better ones in the future lol!

NOTE!: The lil speaker sign in the left hand corner changes your microphones sensitivity, turn it up if you arn't geting enough resposniveness or down if its to much.

EDIT: Sigh, yes people, sometimes there is a wall just before the landing rock at the end. that is on purpose.