Israel Green Pass: On-Location Commentary by Radiant Israel

Published 2023-06-12
Have you heard about the new GREEN PASS in Israel?

"Honestly, I cannot believe this is happening... It is time to wake up and sound the alarm... This thing is coming all over the world... If this succeeds here, then it's coming to a town near you."


Radiant Group:
Radiant Israel Tour Agency

Our calling and focus is to prepare the way of The Lord on Earth as it is in Heaven. Our goal is to reach the nations of the world with the true message of The Kingdom in order to prepare them for the soon return of Yeshua, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
  • Boldly proclaim the gospel of The Kingdom to a lost and misguided generation
  • Build Kingdom bridges between the nations and Israel
  • Launch and facilitate influential Kingdom focused projects to create positive change in our local and global communities 
  • Help the poor, widows and orphans, holocaust survivors and those in need
  • Support and uplift ministries and organizations that are advancing The Kingdom
  • Assist in uniting the Body of Christ so that we can be ONE as Yeshua and the Father are ONE.
