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Wolves Without Teeth

12 subscribers

About Wolves Without Teeth

Wolves Without Teeth is a journey. It's a journey that started somewhere around 1994. It's a blurry beginning because I never thought it would become a story. I had always loved music and played in band during school. I played from Elementary School all the way into High School. I simply loved music. I love all sorts of music. Rock, Soft rock, Country, Classical, Folk, Indie Rock, R&B... you name it. I love most music.

During the period of the mid nineties, I met my best friend, Will, and he was a fantastic musician. A guitar player. Great song writer and vocalist. We started writing and recording songs in our own studio. It was something we did for fun and because we loved music. We never expected it to amount to anything and social media wasn't a thing back then. The years have passed and we have kind of gone separate ways. I also became friends with Joe Wilke, another master. These songs are the fruit of those golden days of my experience. I hope you enjoy it.

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