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212,000 subscribers

About SonicHaXD

Hi there! And welcome to my channel, allow me to explain what you can find on my channel.

Most people know me from my YTP videos. "YouTube Poop" is a method of video editing where an editor will take various existing video sources and mash them up together to make videos that are hilarious or confusing. If you want to have a laugh then check them out.

I make reviews for series that I find interesting. I also love the feedback I get from my viewers. Some appreciate and like my viewpoints. Some disagree and will tell me their opinions.

I also have gaming content. I love playing video games and I find a lot of enjoyment sharing my funny moments with everybody.

Those are all the main contents that you can find on this channel. You can also find reaction videos, short parody edits, Live action skits etc on this channel. If you find anything I do interesting. Then please consider subscribing to my channel. Hope to see you around! Stay awesome XD

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