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King Edward "Longshanks" I, Hammer of the Scots, Lord of Wales and King of England

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About King Edward "Longshanks" I, Hammer of the Scots, Lord of Wales and King of England

Behold, miserable Celtic Swine;
Edward, (Son of Henry the Third, Father of...someone else and Grandfather to Edward III, King of England and France.) of the Royal House Plantagenet, the first so named since the Norman Conquest: the King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Aquitaine, Lord of Wales, Rightful Duke of Normandy and Maine, Rightful Count of Anjou, Rightful King of Scotland and Lawful Overlord of the British Isles
Known as Longshanks; the Hammer of the Scots, the English Justinian, Expeller of Jews and the Father of Parliament.
All shall acknowledge the wrath of almighty God as he uses my terrible swift sword to strike his barbarian foes. England shall prevail over all! Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!

P.S Love you Ellie. 💋💋😘

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