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Future Ruins

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About Future Ruins

Upon the ruins of the future, I settled to be bold when the downfall arises as I am told - Borknagar "Ruins of the Future"

Future Ruins is a place to celebrate hiking, wilderness, nature and music in reverence of these things. The idea behind the name of the channel is that everything is a ruin of the future, nature and the wild places I hope to share will outlast mankind and thus be future ruins.

I'm an avid hiker/backpacker/mountaineer and music (particularly black metal) ties right into my love for the trails and the wilderness in general. I'm inspired to talk about music as it relates to nature and wilderness as well as show off a bit of the collection. The channel is a means to network with other like-minded individuals out there as well as inject a bit of inspiration in the viewership to get out on the trails and experience the outdoor therapy.

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