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Welcome! If you are seeing this you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for? Join me on my journey to fitness and health where I share my experience with thought and intention. ! 30 months out from VSG surgery, Its been amazing, transformed my life, the best thing I ever did for myself . Starting weight 247 Current wt 174, goal 160 pounds.
NO regrets happy to have changed my life I am happier and way healthier. We can never return to eating as normies, we will regain. The goal is to keep it off for life!
Have realistic expectations, know what the surgery will and will not do, Be willing & open to change your eating habits for life, take photos of yourself
Eating : Protein 80-100g, water 64 oz min daily, veg and fruits and some fiber carbs/chia seeds for digestion.
Workouts: weight lost 4-5-6 x per week. Activities: Cardio Kickboxing, weight training, walking, bands, bootcamp, swimming,

The beginnings:
highest 252, wt 247- Date of surgery11-15-2011

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