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Julianus Maximianus

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Julianus Maximianusの説明

Ave, fellow citizens, immigrant merchants and slaves of The Mighty Empire of Rome!
And also a quick ave to gladiators too, I guess.
For I am Julianus Aurelius Maximianus, Centurion of the 3rd Cohort of the 11th Legion of Rome, under the command of our illustrious general Gaius Julius Caesar; him whom art marked out by the Gods and Lord Jupiter himself to bring great glory to any whom follow his eagle into resplendent battle!
Ok, ok, not really, I just a history geek (that's 'History Geek' and not 'Ancient Greek' unfortunately) with a taste for the dramatic, theatrical and artistic, and whom also paints little model men and plays funny little war-games with them against other like minded geeks.
Ergo (that's ancient Latin for 'Therefore') this channel is entirely dedicated primarily to all things history related (from ancient Sumer through to the British Red Coats) and painting miniatures related. (mainly 'Hail Caesar' from Warlord Games, but also GW systems and many more I discover)

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