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Stella *Redacted*

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About Stella *Redacted*

Hello there! I’m Stella, my creator’s main OC! I star in some of my creator’s Gacha videos but you can find videos that star fandoms and other OC’s, and even her favorite artists and creators! I record the videos myself, but she makes the scripts! We don’t plan on joining many trends but that may change. We have our own weird AUs and obsessions, please respect them. If you cannot do that. ...We actually don't really care- it's funny to watch ya'll try! One last thing, we don't post much, we don't have much motivation to work on videos, and my creator spends most of her time talking to her best friend, she only works on videos when her friend is busy. Meaning that video production is very slow- we hope to change that, but for now, it is what it is! Anyways, that’s all from me, have fun watching our videos, and please, be nice- see ya around!

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