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Freedom Unleash

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About Freedom Unleash

Freedom Unleash exist to assist you in raising your consciousness. The earth is a school that you came to have physical experiences and to eventually be unconditional love while in human for. You are here to journey from the darkness into light, from ignorance into intelligence, from the brain to the heart, from the ego to the soul.Freedom Unleash exist to assist you to bring unity to mind, body and spirit. It’s time to know truth, so that you can heal, feel and care. It’s time to know and accept what happened to free yourself from mental enslavement. Several thousand of years, the Earth was invaded, spiritual growth halted, minds hijacked, invaders took controlled, memories erased, people forced in submission to serve Annunaki false alien reptilian gods, implanted with reptilian brain to block communication from higher realms. Earth turned into prison planet. Humanity became entangled in ancient Egyptian funeral text illusion. Now, it’s time to liberate yourself from the story.

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