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Holly Fischer

2 subscribers

About Holly Fischer

My name is Holly and I run a lifestyle channel dedicated to slow living & minimalism and, through these as a basis, we emerge into our greatest version of ourselves. From here, we live a life we find more satisfying than anything we've previously known.

The core message of my slow living and minimalism content is to encourage others to live life more intentionally by slowing down and paying attention to the simple joys of life: the morning cup of coffee, a long walk in nature, taking a moment to smell a flower. By placing a greater emphasis on these small moments that are often overlooked, I believe we can go through life with a deeper sense of gratitude and fulfillment. Instead of chasing happiness, we can live it.


When we take true and proper care of ourselves, we will tend to naturally be moved to take care of the world around us. We will naturally tend, care for, preserve, protect. When we do these, we will also tend to thrive in our own life experience.

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