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The Thrifty G'ma

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InformaciΓ³n sobre The Thrifty G'ma

Hi everyone, welcome to my channel..β™₯
This is something that I never thought I would do, but one day, after a gentle nudge from both Sher @craftyshercupcake & Vanessa @classycraftingandparcels, I decided to try it out for fun, and here I am.
I have a love for crafting.. but am far from being a pro at any of it. I just love making things, and it's all about loving what I do. At times I have the attention span of a gnat, and end up doing several crafts at once. But it's fun, and that's what this channel is about...... fun. I hope you enjoy my videos, and if there's something I can improve on.. please don't hesitate to let me know. I share dollar store hauls, thrift store finds and whatever else can save me some money. So with that, pull up a chair, get comfy......... and let's get started ! πŸ˜€

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