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A Man with a Plan

9 subscribers

About A Man with a Plan

Hello there!
I am a simple man with a simple plan. Play video games and share those experiences with you lovely folks who stumble across the tiny rock that is this channel. There won't be any voice in a lot of my content, because I don't have a mic besides the one on my set of headphones, so most of my communication will be with captions, or in the description.
A lot of the stuff you'll see will go from just a casual game on Team Fortress 2, to me and me alone fighting a team of nine bots in Black Ops 2. So feel more than free to suggest ideas, games you might like to see me play, or just to tell me that I suck at a certain game and how to fix it.
Well, that's about it. Hope y'all are having a good day!
I used to say "Plan your moves before those moves get you killed", but now...
No plan, no problem. Make one as you go.

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