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Rob Sandstrom Designs

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About Rob Sandstrom Designs

Learn - Share - Inspire

Welcome to Rob Sandstrom Designs!

I enjoy learning new tools, maker techniques, and software. Once I learn these things well enough I enjoy sharing this information with others that want learn new skills or more efficient ways to make things and inspire them to follow their dreams to make something awesome.

In 2017 I started my "Maker" journey. During this journey I developed a special interest in using "Digital Tools" (CNCs, 3D printers, Lasers, etc.) to help me with my creative efforts. The software and physical knowledge with me was intimidating at first but I dug in and got proficient with the software that runs these tools and the tools themselves. YouTube content Creators were a go to source to help me learn in my early days and still are. This is one of the reasons I make YouTube Videos to share how I do things - it's part of my paying it forward.

It's a whole new exciting world with lots to come.

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