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Cowboss Kristy

1,210 subscribers

About Cowboss Kristy

We are a family of three that live the hobby farm/ homestead lifestyle in Northern Alberta Canada. On our property we grow food for our family, preserve it and we also grow and sell cut flowers to florists in our local area. On this channel, we share our lifestyle, from the lessons we learn growing and preserving food, to the fun we have on jet boat trips. I share garden tours and even some cooking and canning videos. I originally started sharing more on Youtube during the lockdowns to stay more connected with family so they could see what we have been up to way up here in the North, but it quickly started to grow with more interest and I have been trying to share as much as I can about what wisdom we have to offer others that are interested in learning about this lifestyle.

Our Website is
Mailing Address: Hotchkiss Flower Farm, Box 1300, Manning AB, T0H 2M0

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