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The Antisocial Socialite Podcast

1,210 subscribers

About The Antisocial Socialite Podcast

It hurts to see BW especially Young black females are being destroyed. I'm not trying to be a leader, this is just a candid channel discussing love, relationships, current topics concerning the black community...... No tea, just stella artois and a tonne of woman "bashing"😉😚😚😚. Ok.... let me be serious. These are things I wish older, wiser women would have sat me down and explained to me, lifestyles that would have been modelled to me. Black people can't win if they're divided and we can't build without men and women working together. Women have been sold many lies that keep them single and frustrated and although they are the first teachers they do not acknowledge their impact on society through the choices they make. This has to be changed because economic power is directly linked to family structure. Broken families equals a broken community. Don't like what you see? Let's work together to do something different 🍻🍻🍻

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