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Wisdom Caffeine

1,020 subscribers

About Wisdom Caffeine

Welcome to "Wisdom Caffeine" - Your Daily Dose of Inspiration 🙂

I'm just an introvert who love reading books. It's where I escape from the noisy world out there (If you're an introvert, you will know what I mean 🙂). Books have been my friends for as long as I can remember.

I've always wanted to share the nuggets of wisdom and insight that often get buried in the pages. But, it just terrifies me. So, I did the next best thing. I created a YouTube channel and I tell stories without showing my face.

I do my best to make the videos interesting, to make you feel something, and to help you see the world a bit differently.


If you want to enrich your life with inspiring narratives and powerful life lessons, then maybe, just maybe, you could consider subscribing to my little channel. We can explore the wisdom hidden in books together, even if I'm not the most confident guide.

Thank you for considering it.

Much love
Wisdom Caffeine 🎳☕

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