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WOLF 84Mk4

857 subscribers

About WOLF 84Mk4

Hello and welcome on my channel, YouTube user!

My name is Kinsley, a.k.a WOLF 84Mk4 on the Internet. I am a 2D animator, video editor, story writer and graphic designer. On this channel I mainly make animation films but also some montages and edits. I usually upload a video every Sunday at 18:00 (central European time zone). Accessorily, I am the founder of StarSky Studio, a cinematic universe where different stories made by myself and my two colleagues G0oG1e GuGz and Thelefia are taking places.
⚠ Notice: Some of my films are in French, but they are entirely subtitled in English for you, non-French speakers.

-The passion never dies. 🇫🇷

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